Spanner in the Works will offer a free service and oil change —or the health equivalent—for blokes in Port Phillip with health assessments and screenings to be held in South Melbourne on 18 June.
Port Phillip Men’s Shed Association has partnered with health and community organisations to deliver information about health and finances with a tour of the Men’s Shed added to the mix.
Inner South Community Health will offer health assessments and screening complemented by information from Heart Foundation, Asthma Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association and Gambler’s Help.
The event is supported by City of Port Phillip, National Storage, Rotary South Melbourne, SouthPort UnitingCare, St Lukes and Port Phillip U3A.
Spanner in the Works will be held at SouthPort Uniting Church, 317-329 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne from 9am to 3pm on Saturday June 18.
Bookings are essential, contact Don by Tuesday June 14 on or call 03 96994203.

Terrific information, Amanda; very useful. Thank you! I shall circulate it amongst my friends and clients.
Good job!